So dd3 (about to turn 4) is scheduled for WPPSI in April. I would never have imagined choosing to test my child this young (prior to parenting her for the past 3 years!) I feel there are some practical reasons to test her, but honestly, I also know what we are dealing with.

I only chose to have dd10 tested to qualify for the gifted pull-out at the local ps (she is in a private Montessori school) to give her exposure 1 day a week to a large public school (eating in the cafeteria etc.--it was a shock considering at her school they play classical music and have flowers on the tables and it is generally a lovely, peaceful lunch!) and being identified really hasn't changed that much academically for her.

But dd3 just seems like she *could* be one of those 99.9% kids (and of course I could be totally wrong about this--she isn't doing the math/reading stuff I've read about, but other things that make my jaw drop) but I think we need to know. For this year and possibly next I think we can meet her needs. After that it will become more challenging and I think we will need the test results to advocate effectively for her. She is a kid who could easily be labeled as ADHD when not challenged appropriately (if I thought she really did have ADHD I wouldn't have a problem with that).

I don't think the tester has tons of experience with >MG kids (lots of experience with "regular" gifted kids, ASD, and she also tested my son who has Down syndrome) but you can't beat the price. I figure it makes sense to do the WPPSI now rather than when she older and might hit the ceilings and save our money for the WISC with a tester who specializes in the gifted. I crazy? My parents and dh are acting like they are humoring me...the director of her school (and also my boss!) did not seem to understand why I want to do it now. I appreciate your feedback!