This is such a helpful discussion for me, as well. So much of what you said seems SO right, Mary. Thank you for mentioning that sense of empowerment related to mastering authentic challenges.

I think that is truly it. <nods>

I also wanted to thank Stephanie for mentioning her feeling that this is related somehow to a sense of identity in a very basic way. This seems to be what we have also observed; further even than perfectionism (which is, no question, it's own problem), this is a global translation of the conclusions. "Well, if I'm not 'smart' then what/who AM I, really?"

DD definitely makes statements that lead us to think that her entire self-image is fairly skewed sometimes. It's very alarming-- if it were body image, you'd say "eating disorder." Instantly.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.