Originally Posted by MagnaSky
Originally Posted by Chrys
Originally Posted by MagnaSky
This is what I worry about my children. How do I teach them this? Up to now, they have been able to progress with very little practice (forced by me) or no practice at all.

This is exactly why I've been trying to have dd grade skipped this year. Unfortunately, between the Tiger Mom hype and red shirting skewing what is normal, I don't think its going to happen.

Grade skip did not solve this issue for us.

It didn't for us either. While there is a bit more challenge, it's not enough to require DS7 to practice more than just going through the motions of homework, classwork, etc... even with the sports he has played, though helpful, it has not proved to him that he would have to practice outside of scheduled team practices.

I am hoping the introduction to something completely foreign - a new language (pun intended) - at the new school next year will help teach him. Keeping my fingers crossed.