Bronxmom, I am so sorry you are going through this. Tears welled up in my eyes reading your posts and some of the responses. I can imagine how heartbreaking all of this is for you. I can also imagine that homeschooling my DD4.5 might present similar challenges. She is also rather defiant, very intense, and doesn't want to do anything that looks like schoolwork so I am not homeschooling except in tiny pieces. We may sit down to make a book together or read books about science topics. Her verbal skills are stronger than her math, though her math are quite high too (she is beyond end of first grade in math while in pre-k), but she would much rather tell stories, read books, etc, than build or organize or work with numbers so I have tried to initiate activities that use the more mathematical parts of her brain to help balance her out, but she often fights me. She is good at math, but resists it if I initiate it simply because I initate it. My fear is that when I let her lead the way, she also narrows her focus and it doesn't seem healthy for her brain. I think she needs to be pushed a little to expand, not contract. My DD often fights everything, but has gotten a little better. I wish I could tell you what helped, but I am honestly not sure.

Good luck with the evaluation. I hope that you find the answers you need and the best educational situation for your child.