Originally Posted by bronxmom
I guess this is a lesson that kids who are obsessive, defiant, and unable to focus like this might be bad candidates for homeschooling.

Bronxmom, I think you're doing all the right things: it may require some persistence, but keep seeking until you find the right help and support for your DS. If your first psychologist doesn't have the right expertise, you'll find someone who does. (It took us several tries to figure out our DS, but it was worth the effort.)

And I don't think you should beat yourself up any more about the homeschooling. Stuff happens with kids; whether this is something diagnosable, or developmental, or whether he's just in a bad spot right now that he needs to work through, it's not your fault. You'll do what you can to help him through it, but I just don't bet that the homeschooling "did this."
