Oh yes--we are applying to the magnet no matter what. If she gets in, then we'll go from there.

Next question, will the kids at the gifted magnet elementary progress to the gifted middle school (where she would be going)? Or will they all switch around then? Will other kids from her elementary be going to the gifted middle school, or just her? Are the other 2 kids in her class that are GT going to be changing to the gifted magnet for 2nd, or staying put?

Yes, the kids at the magnet elementary are very likely to either go to the magnet middle or the pre-IB middle. A few will probably go from her current school to the gifted middle. The other presumed GT kids in her class have NOT been tested and are therefore not eligible for the magnet next year. That is very unfortunate. Her current school has done some not-great things WRT how it handles its GT stuff, and failing to test promptly is one of them. DD was only tested because we pushed for it rather relentlessly.

ETA--thank you for that link!! DD has been asking and asking for bird websites and links. She likes this site a lot: http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/browse

Last edited by ultramarina; 01/24/11 07:36 PM.