Originally Posted by Cricket2
I wouldn't assume that she is MG just b/c that one set of scores say so.
I'd do two things: visit the GT magnet and see whether you think it would be a good emotional & social fit for your dd,

I would stongly look at the GT magnet. Visit and observe the teachers at work. The work level might be lower than your dd's current situation.

I don't get the flavor that you daughter is loving her current school - only that she loves the teacher. If she was loving her peers, I'd be more hesitant to leave. I can almost promise that she won't have the same teacher next year if she stays at the current school.

I would speculate that half the kids in YSP are Ruf level 3 - anyone care to take a guess? YSP is very careful to acknowledge that kids can be PG in one area and well below average in another area - that's just the way kids are sometimes.

Now I'm going to generalize even farther:
"The problem with boys is that they can't control their behavior; The problem with girls is that they do."

With a female child who happens to have tradionally female strengths, I think it's imperitive to make sure the 'backround' you place them in is a good fit to their abilities and needs, because before you know it, they will start to blend into the backround. I don't know if it's cultural or biological or some of both, but I see it over and over. Sometimes for good, but often to the great disservice of the individual and society. So if the Magnet is going to teach her to her readiness level, swap her, if not, skip her at the homeschool (I know you said she's immature, but I would bet that she isn't having trouble sharing her toys, she's probably just supersensitive - and that isn't going away!) or go in and take over the school. Frankly, I'm not a big fan of 'in class enrichment' because it's like adding a new pillow, when what's needed is to create a whole new wallpaper. I don't think it's enough for most girls to really get the message that 'school is for learning.'

((shrugs and more shrugs))

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