I guess the way I described DD7 wasn't fair. She is a VERY talented artist and dancer. She danced with a local professional Ballet company in 3 Nutcrackers this last Christmas. She is very intuitive and curious, however she is VERY shy. She does very well at school and seems to understand concepts quickly; however she has no interest in anything more than she has to know.
I found this awesome book at Marshall's, it was "History World Atlas" I brought it home and told the kids I bought something for them. They both ran up to me and waited as I pulled out the book. My DD7 looked at it and walked away...DS10 grabbed it and sat down to read.

Bright vs. Gifted?

I have 4 children total. My oldest son was labeled "gifted" by his school. Older DS29 had no interest in learning a thing. He tested into AP classes and actually refused them. He graduated college with 2 degrees at 21. He was also very well rounded and a HS and College athletic scholar. His wife thinks he has a photographic memory...Hahaha explains why he never opened a book at home.
DD27 is a perpetual college student...today she is majoring in Psycho-Biology...Don't get me started on that one...LOL She was also a very talented dancer.
Then there is DS10 (HG/PG?)Who was born when DS29 was a sophomore in college. This was my husband�s answer to the empty nest syndrome I experienced when DS left for college at 17.
And then there is my DD 7 who tells everyone I saved the "best for last" :-)

DeeDee Thank You...believe it or not I am the mom that NEVER questions the school system. I always told the kids that they will always run into someone they don't "jive" with. They will have bosses and teachers they might like but that is just life. I make them stick it out; I have never run interference on that issue.
DS10 is telling me the stuff with the teacher, he is getting an A citizenship and has received that award quarterly along with his Honor Roll and AR awards.
It is just not like him to dislike a teacher. I remember his 3rd grade teacher telling me in a laughing way how he corrects and elaborated on topics but that teacher enjoyed it. This teacher looks at it differently. He has also never "bad mouthed" any of his teachers. He calls her dumb and clueless. We don't avocate that type of disrespect and he knows it. So his "in trouble" is really happening at home.

Grin...LOL...DD27 has looked at me and point blank told me DD7 is smarter than DS10...