I came here a few months ago...I have what I suspect is a HG/PG 10 y/o boy based on Ruf scale and what you all thought when I described my son.

I have made decisions because they had to be made. I need help finding a counselor that KNOWS these kids.
Decisions made:
I will be homeschooling DS next school year. I have done extensive research and the curriculum is coming together. DS is fine with it.

Things that have happened, since my last posting.
DS is still at the Private Catholic School, he is bored out of his mind, and he is in the 5th grade. He still comes home and does his own research on school topics (plus other topics of interest).

He is starting to get into trouble...but it's not what you think. He has corrected the teacher on more than one occasion. She gets her facts mixed up; she has been a respected teacher in that grade level for a very long time.
She has yelled at him for this. She has also told him that he gets too complex in his answers and that she doesn't want a HS answer that he is just confusing the class.
They are learning American History. They learned about the Northern colonies but skipped the Southern Colonies. DS asked how she was going to explain the Civil War...
He corrected her grammar, my son sucks at grammar.
My son hates her...He has never ever hated ANYTHING or ANYONE in his life. His personality has changed...
He is different and not in a positive sense.

Last week he started telling me that he is done with this world, that kids don't "get him"...He said that no one understands him and that he is too different. He didn't believe me that there are lots of children like him. He knows about TIP/EPGY/CTY because he is part of it, but he is still too young to participate in there "overnight" stuff.
He knows kids are out there, but he has yet to meet them. I started joining yahoo groups and homeschool groups to get them ready for next school year.
I also have a DD 7 who is VERY bright she is a young 2nd grader (just turned 7) their school does their IOWA testing in Sept instead of May. She did very well in LA 99% and reading comp was 98% she reads at a 4-5 grade level. She is NOT gifted she is very bright. You get that when you actually have a HG/PG kid.

Obviously my husband wants him evaluated. I want him evaluated with a Psychologist that KNOWS these kids. I don't want him pumped up with meds he doesn't need because he has been stifled and isolated. I would pull him now from that horrible environment today, but he wants to finish the year because of his friends (not close friends...just the only kids he knows).
He tells me he won't hurt himself; he just wishes God would come take him. GADS...This is more than a mother can take.

For the record, I have talked to the principle, vice principle and his teacher. They want everyone to obey and stay within the lines. They tell me how WONDERFUL DS is with that interest in teaching himself all this information...BLAH
They refused to help with grade excel or any other alternative learning for DS. My husband and I HAD been huge donors. I say had, because I will NOT give them more than I have to ever again.
I have FOUR kids...I have been in the Catholic School system for 22 years...what an eye opener.

DS10 is still mind boggling, he still amazes everyone�the walking Wikipedia as one man put it.
So if anyone knows of a Psychologist that works with gifted kids (not just testing) in the So Cal area please let me know. I really need the resource.