Thank you all for sharing your thoughts. We've decided to keep him at his current school and in his current grade. The principal came through and told me on the first day of school after the Holidays that they will start letting him go to middle school science. He's going to start this week. Crossing fingers that it will work smile

Originally Posted by yvonnemommy
My daughter has been using a math program from beestar. There are two kinds of math programs. We are using the regular one. Maybe your kid can have a try the Gifted Talented Math. The worksheets are full of real life world problems, challenging stuff to help kids thinking. Pretty great.

Lisa, thanks for the info. I will look into it and let him try some of the exercises.

Originally Posted by elastigirl
I've got a 5th grader who is profoundly gifted. We are not grade accelerating because doesn't want to. We are working with ALEKS and home direct instruction.

Listen to your child's opinion. One thing I've learned from DI is that they need to be part of their own advocacy.

Elastigirl, we tried the ALEKS math for 1 month free trial. Both my DS and I think that they didn't give enough instruction. Like you, I had to sit down with him and gave the direct instructions. ALEKS is good for review, though ... As he just finished SM 6B, we're trying to decide between NEM and AoPS Intro to Algebra. Will it be too crazy to use both? I've heard that each one is an excellent program on its own and should not be used as supplements. Any thoughts?