Originally Posted by shellymos
[ He doesn't really play with toys or anything. If you gave him an action figure he would have no idea what to do with it. He might take it apart though and put it back together.

Did you/ do you worry about that? My DS, 5 next month, reads and makes up his own stories. It's actually pretty neat as he includes all the appropriate book stuff - he said or then they go into the room. But he rarely plays with any of his toys on his own. If I do legos with him, he will do it, for awhile, and today we did some of a science kit. And he will do all sorts of workbooks, if i get them out. And he plays with stuff at pre-k in center time. But all other play served as filler for his imagination. It's sort of the opposite of that creativity/structured time thread. We"ve already noted that he needs to be in more physical activities because he won't necessarily chose it on his own, even though he loves soccer and swimming.

I'm sure this sounds weird, he got all this great stuff for Xmas which he played with once or twice but the haul for the library is read over and over. I can't seem to find anything that absorbs him like knowledge or the worlds he creates. I'm not sure why I am worrying about this!!!!!
