A kid doesn't need YSP-level scores to have YSP-level issues.

Grinty: you are so on with this. I think any of us (or all of us) have had some very frustrating experiences in dealing with our schools or the school system. I feel lucky that my husband is a teacher and knows the system and I am a committed mom with interest and educational experience and some above average advocacy skills, so we are able to forge a path that we think at least kind of works for our DS.

But, in thinking about the last year and half, I have had some very desparate feeling moments where I just think OMG these people have no idea what my kid needs (and even if they do in some cases they don't want to do it). The most appealing part of DYS for me is the advocate - someone that can say these people aren't crazy - their kid has special needs - when we feel like we can't say it ourselves or that we are not taken seriously.

Having said that, I think one of the next best things is a forum like this because whether your kid has DYS scores or not, if you are here you have had some of those frustrating or desparate experiences.