Woodcock-Johnson Test of Achievement-III (WJ-III Ach) Standard score 145+ (99.9th percentile): Broad Reading, Broad Math, Broad Written Language, or Total Achievement

Although the brief scores are over 145, they are looking for Broad scores. You can always apply, but I wouldn't expect an acceptance.

Let's look at it another way - there must be something going on in your life that made you think, gee, having the support of DYS would make my life better. If you want to get specific and start a new topic about what those thoughts were in detail, I bet that some of us here have faced those problems and might have experience that would work for your family too. A kid doesn't need YSP-level scores to have YSP-level issues.

Love and More Love,

Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com