You ever been in one of those situations where you start to meet lots of really good people. Then there's that energized happiness that begins to draw a crowd. �And some people can't hang and leave. But they were nice people too, they just didn't like it there. �Everybody who stayed had a blast. �

Sometimes when it's time to go there's one person saying, no, we don't have to go. �We could all just stay here forever. �And while nobody really would that clearly sums up the satisfaction everybody feels in their heart from having spent that time togeather. �And the people who met togeather in such a happy intense gathering try to seek out each others company further as often as they can.

If ever I've seen such a place it's been illusory and fleeting, perhaps even just a dream. �I hope there will be such a situation IRL. �Thus I search. �I keep finding only shadows and echoes, nothing sustainable yet. Maybe it's not meant to be sustainable since we always keep growing and changing. Hmm.?

My brother sounded that excited last year when he went to a video game designers conference. �I guess some people find that in their job sometimes. �I dreamed that's what college was like. �I have never been to a gifted conference. �I'm just making all this up, but that's what I hope it's like. �That's just what I'm starting to build up in my imagination of what it must be like. �And that's not even getting into the projects and inspired, and schemes collaborated, and pranks pulled off- there better not be pranks!

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar