
Was hoping that with common interests, DS would naturally find some friends clustered around each interest, say robotics, math, whatever. This hasn't quite happened. He had his birthday recently and wanted a big party. When the entertainment company required a minimum number of 20 kids (he could come up with 3, although these are kids he barely talks to but thinks they're ok), he balked and changed his mind about having the party. I offered friends' kids, neighbours, but nope, he'd rather not. Same story last year.

My friend observed that he loves to talk science-based fantasies, and perhaps he'd relate better to someone who does the same speak as he does. Strangely we can't find any around us! So perhaps in a G crowd with super interests in physics, chemistry etc, he'd have an easier time finding someone to relate to.

He's not unhappy. On the contrary, since I withdrew him from school (a month ago), he's like some happy lark. My brain is fried cos I'm the chief person he talks to, but I'm looking down the road and wondering if the dearth of friends will continue. He's not territorial, physically pushy, anything. He just, withdraws.

Maybe I just have to accept that at the moment, he doesn't need more than this. Perhaps its a developmental thing. But it can't hurt if I give it a nudge smile.