My son was diagnosed with dyspraxia and I thought it might be a misdiagnosis because the low muscle tone seemed to be the cause of every difficulty. He is not clumsy and his timing is good unless he has a migraine. The neurologist said most people with dyspraxia have more problems than he has, so my son has been going through tests to try to determine the cause of the hypotonia without doing a muscle biopsy. One of the tests involved long needles inserted into the muscles. My son got through it. I got through it. Neither one of us had a migraine that day. I think we at least proved that stress is not a trigger for our migraines. I think it is totally normal to have some anxiety about this. Hypotonia can be a symptom of a lot of scary things that can be progressive and when you add in scoliosis it gets scarier.

My son has read enough about all of this that he wanted to make sure he didn't have something like central core myopathy which could cause severe problems and possibly be fatal if he had general anesthesia. My son knew if the scoliosis brace didn't work he would have to have surgery so he wants to know the cause of his hypotonia.

I have almost every morning for years looking for answers. My husband and I watched a recent episode of Mystery Diagnosis where a woman did what I have been doing and she found answers and her daughter is doing better now. She looked for answers for about five years, going to lots of doctors before she got answers and help for her daughter. I am sure she had anxiety when her daughter was in pain from frequent headaches. She did not need neurocognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety. She needed answers and she did finally get the help her daughter needed.

My son did well in his classes even with all the doctor visits and the frequent migraines and the pain from the scoliosis brace which does still make life harder for him. He used to be sensitive to clothing tags, so it is understandable that he would have more trouble with it than most people. I let him take it off for class when the pain is too distracting but I keep track of the time he is in the brace so he can make up the time later. The frequent migraines and continuing problems with the brace are the reason I stay in the back of the classes he is in as a parent volunteer and it is working well.