Hah! You may have noticed I sometimes run a little long myself.

DS's Granddad (do people say GD?) once shouted "No" at him about six times, with increasing intensity. After about the fifth one, DS looked at GD, cocked his head to one side like he was saying "What, man, you got a problem with something?" and then, recieving the last "no," raised an eyebrow and went back to what he'd been doing. I said something like "you might break that" quietly, from across the room, and DS said "Oooooohhhhhh" (which was one of his very few words at the time) and stopped.

People cracked up, and I filed it away in the "no, I guess I really should be explaining" category wink

Good to know I'm heading for the right ballpark, anyway smile I started a list -- and am realizing that even though I though I had a lot of things like this, they're mostly either really bad, or pretty much identical. So I'm working actively on thinking through this.

My best solution to head banging so far has been to insert something soft (frequently me, ouch). Luckily that period didn't last too long for us.


DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!