DS has to get out, for sure. Actually, I've been working on staying IN more wink. It's getting to the point where I think he really needs the chance to be at home and working at something, (and I need the chance to get housework done), now he starts getting frustrated when he only gets to see as much of something as is available in the real world wink. This is going to be my excuse for getting an... well, I want an Ipad with internet... but that's another story wink

Anyway. <whistles>

The other day, we really did interpret the living H%$*@ out of the visible building infrastructure at the museum. He was in a bad mood, or we wouldn't have had to go quite as deep, I think. But it was still typical. He has these times, when he just WANTS MORE. At least if it's only explainations I can usually manage -- it's when he wants to accomplish something particular. He regularly drafts strangers to draw things or whatever for him. They tend to be more bemused than anything else, but I get kinda frustrated by being told to do a puzzle for him becasue he can't handle the pieces, or draw a whatever, or build exactly the right marble run, or whatever. It's like Geomamma said, I really get frustrated with the level of assistance he needs to do stuff. He won't just freakin' well play with the puzzles he CAN handle, or draw the stuff he CAN draw, or whatever. (Not that I really think it's fair to ask him to do the same puzzles over and over, but... there's LOTS of options ther than puzzles!!)

And even if many of the lagging skills are actually above age level, just asking everyone else to do it for him all the time has to end at some point, and when he's frustrated he wants help with the stuff he donsn't need help with, too.

But when you don't help him do all the difficult stuff, he just kinda collapses and wants to do nothing but nurse and get increasingly despondent and bossy and negative.

He's a good kid, and his behavior is often stellar, but at the cost of really following his lead more than is quite... ok... When you stop doing all that stuff, his behavior gets kinda impossible. But he's old enough I really should be able to reliably run the dishwasher and go pick up groceries. And he's interested in enough stuff, that it seems like he should be able to actually feed his own interests a little....

(It's always about getting the dishes done in the end, isn't it)

Ug. I dont' feel like I've explained myself very well.

DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!