Tks so much for your thoughts, Mom0405 and Mich.

I've been mulling over the last couple of days. LDs are so hard to understand because the symptoms can be so individual, and yet there are commonalities.

FWIW, DS's expressive vocabulary is huge and he uses it appropriately. His psych once commented that he has no friends because no kid can understand what he's saying. This is related to his Working Memory, perhaps? It was rated superior on the Wisc and Above Average on the CAPD evaluation. Possibly the auditory tasks he had to perform for the CAPD eval tired him out and lowered his score, I'm not sure - just my layman interpretation!

He does have difficulty with words registering in his brain though. To this end, his Speech therapist recommended activities and books by Nancy Bell called Visualzing and Verbalizing. I was wondering if it might be helpful to you guys as well. DS is also very VS. So by piggy backing on a strength, I'm hoping it can help compensate for his weakness.