My son is 11, and his reading level is adult and has been for years. Like me though, he will read a good story at any level, and will frequently read his little sister's picture books! I like that. My 7 yo dd also reads at an adult level. But good books are good books, and we're not fussy about what level they are.

Now for a digression about me:

When I was in 3rd grade, I tried to take out a book rated for grade six from the school library. The librarian said that I wasn't allowed to read above my grade level! My mom went to bat for me and I was then officially permitted to read any book in the library. That was fine, until I tried to take out a book of fairy tales rated BELOW my grade level. Heaven forbid! The cranky librarian embarrassed me into giving up, and my poor inner child still carries that sense of shame!

I think it is good to challenge ourselves and our children some of the time, but not necessarily all of the time.