OMG, My D17 has been dealing with this too!!!

The more I read about it, it seems like she has a lot of the symptoms of a NVLD. She has a laptop, but she can't seem to type fast enough to keep up with her thoughts either(yet?). I just bought the Dragon 2 "naturally speaking" software that is supposed to transcribe her dictation but so far the set up (training it to understand her) has been far too frustrating. I also bought a small voice recorder, hoping that will help at least get the ideas on record until we can find her a secretary :-).

It is so frustrating to see her struggle so much with this when fully developed ideas flow from her so freely orally.

Any suggestions for fun typing improvement games for a 17 year old? She already types much faster than I do (I still look at the keys and use two fingers!) but much too slowly to keep up with her thoughts and the lack of accuracy hangs her up, breaks the flow because she stops to correct each typo as it occurs.