I wish I had a silver bullet, Nik. She is VERY resistent to any calendar methods, which is adds to the issue. Even if she has one, she has no reliable pattern of entering things into it or checking for tasks/to dos. And I just discovered last week that her iCal (Mac calendaring used by teachers at her school) is on the blink again -- a chronic issue with her laptop. I got involved and found a tescher who fixed the settings for her, so hopefully this won't happen again. In the past she has not mentioned this glitch for weeks at a time. Sigh.

One thing we started with this year that seems to be helping some is using the "sticky" function on her school laptop (Mac). She has started keeping little to-do lists on them on her Mac desktop. She can change the colors, so make important ones bright or move them to a strategic location. I still have to remind her to clean off the old ones, though. So far this has been the best method we have found for her. She is like me, I am very visually oriented. If I put something in a file or a closed calendar, it might as well not exist.

Just recently she decided to study for a nationwide test in her main subject of interest. We ordered the textbook she needs, and it came yesterday. She agreed that she might have trouble organizing her study materials, so last night we found a cloth bag and put the textbook, the associated CD, some flashcards with rubber bands, a notebook labeled with the subject name on it, pens, highlighters, and some post it flags in the bag. She is going to try to keep the materials together in that bag, and repack them when she is done with each study session. Fingers crossed smile

Last edited by intparent; 11/19/10 12:38 PM.