It is likely that she is simply not 'gifted' in the organizatinal area and her age is affecting her. Now is a great time of life to learn organizational skills because the Bs won't go one her college transcript. I love Deb Goldberg's book, "The Organized Student."

Can you figure out what is the pattern of causing the Bs?
Homework assignments not noticed?
Homework not handed in on time?
Doesn't know how to study for tests?

My son is similar and was eventually diagnosed with ADD. After he tried the local high school 9th grade, he switched schools and is doing 9th grade again. It is helping his grades. Luckily the new school is a better fit 'abstract thinking wise' so he didn't have to give up one thing to get the other.

There is plenty of time for your daughter to sort this out before you get to that stage, so I wouldn't panic over a few Bs now. I tell my son that his grades are a combination of how well he has learned the material and how prepared he is and that BOTH are important. It's also sometimes hard for GT kids to take the teacher's perspective and figure out 'what the teacher wants' - maybe their own personal visions of the material are too compelling?

Hope that helps,

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