Originally Posted by master of none
Not exactly on topic . .. Is there pressure from the teachers, other parents, kids, society, relatives, to "fit in"? . .. She needed the people in her life to embrace her, and to celebrate her so she could do the same. Different worksheets is just a symptom.

Exactly!!! I think there is enormous pressure on them to fit in - and also enormous pressure to be fit in - I get the mental image of teachers, schools, whomever, trying to screw round DCs in to their square holes!

How many of our kids don't show all that they can do, just to fit in - on the preschool forum people report their 3 year olds dumbing down their language and skills in order to be able to play with the other kids. I love what you say about our roles here - if we don't celebrate who we are, how hard that is for them. But it also encourages them to have to go trolling for acceptance - which for anyone who has had that in their life, you know it stinks! Plus, it is hard to trudge along a road alone - we say that as adults fighting to get them what they need so it wouldn't surprise me to hear that they get that too - maybe if they weren't different, their parent wouldn't be fighting with everyone or having to push so hard?

I do wonder how much the culture plays a role here - I just don't remember as a bored giftie in grammar school wanting to fit in, in terms of schoolwork. Is there more pressure today - in this era of increasing diversity - to be more similar than different?

Sorry, I think I went further off topic smile
