Totally agree with Aimee. DS6 had some issues with this last year, basically because they were just giving him random worksheets last year in 1st grade. Sometimes he would do the same ones as the other kids just to be part of the class. Now that he is with a higher grade for math he still feels accepted with them so he loves it. But yes, he still sometimes does some of the other kids work from time to time. He isn't embarrassed by doing different work though, just wants to be part of the other stuff sometimes.

Some kids stand out even with all the scripts in the world. But it is good to teach them those scripts as sometimes they come in handy. The delivery part can be challenging. We worked with DS a couple months ago when he started taking a different bus to school and going to 4th grade for math. We had a simple explanation planned out for when someone asked why he was going to that school. He could just say " I am going there for Math." First time someone asked him he got all flustered and said a long drawn out answer that went something like "I am just really into math and I like math and so my teachers and the principal and my mom decided that I should do 4th grade math, so now I go there for math.." Wow. So we talked about it and said shorter is better and told him short and simple. So the second time he was asked why he went there he said "I don't know." lol.