We had this issue for the last 2 years. We too, practiced scripted responses and they have always worked. We just would say "I don't know, because the teacher told me to do this." If the child presisted, we would say, "go ask the teacher is you need to know." Most kids did NOT ask the teacher. ONE did, however, and the teacher shot the student down with a polite, because I asked the student to and you need to worry about your work. That was enough to stop it . Whatever the scripted response is, just stick with the same one everytime. If everyone will get the same response, there's nothing to talk about. I know people say that it will only be a day or two, but honestly, ours lasted much longer. In fact, DD skipped a grade this year, after doing different work last year and now, in to 2nd quarter, she is still getting questions from kids. It's such an automatic response though that it really has helped tremendously. Now instead of the teacher told me to, she just says because the prinicipal told me to and that works just fine!