It really is horrible isn't it? The feeling of helplessness, and just hoping your kid will use the advice you give when they get stuck in a situation. We've sent him to school remembering SID. Seek out the decent kids, Ignore whenever possible, Defend - if all else fails! These bullies are so sneaky though - one of them has so much 'charm'! Brains and Charm - a scary combination when used to intimidate! Oh, and they think they are oh so clever - darn it, THEY ARE! Cricket, thank you for letting your feelings show. I'm so frustrated that I can't do more to help, and am just hoping that school gets a handle on it. The 'charmer' got into serious trouble last year for bullying several kids so at least I know that with him the problem is recognized as has been addressed in the past. I'm just so nervous today. DS really didn't want me to speak with the teacher unless I could promise that it would improve things. I couldn't make that promise. I told him it was necessary as he wasn't the only kid this was happening to, and that if something happened to any of them (one kid, not mine, was physically hurt last year) I would feel terrible. He accepted this, but I'm still worried about how exactly the teacher will address the problem and what the repercussions there may be.