Originally Posted by Iucounu
Thanks for the website. Would it be possible for her to write down new interesting/possibly-tough-to-spell words she encounters in a little notebook, to double-check that she can spell them later, learn the word roots, etc.? It might help make sure she stays caught up for a while, until this becomes a non-issue.

I like this idea with circling. The circling would be a nice way to not interrupt her writing yet realize she could correct/learn those. What's a good way to learn word roots?
Originally Posted by knute974
We have seen the same phenomenon with our DD. Does your DD type? We have found that DD8 is more willing to take risks with harder words when she is typing. We've told her to ignore the squiggles (errors) until the end. Since fixing things on the computer is easier for her, she doesn't seem as upset. She also gets to look at the spelling suggestions and find the one that looks right.

She doesn't type. That would help but she is just learning that this year in school.

Last edited by onthegomom; 10/30/10 11:42 AM.