Welcome, talwar.natasha!

Can you tell us more about attitudes towards bullying in Norway? Here in the U.S. it's pretty bad, especially in some regions. The good news, though, is that there is a new visibility on the issue of bullying, just in the last few months. I'm hoping that we're reaching a "critical mass" in realizing that bullying is not normal and not acceptable. Is anything similar happening in Norway?

From what you describe, I do have serious doubts about the situation getting better for your son. The school's response sounds completely inadequate. Just punishing the perpetrators does nothing to change the overall culture of the school. Do they have any kind of anti-bullying program? It's also not good that the teachers only say they "haven't noticed" any bullying. This sounds like the bullying has just gone underground since the assault.

So I guess I'm with Raddy and onthegomom -- you may need to get him out of there.

Wishing you the best, and please keep us updated on what happens!


P.S. Let me put in another plug for the It Gets Better Project. It now has a message from President Obama! Check it out: http://www.itgetsbetterproject.com/video/entry/geyafbsdpvk/ Although the focus is on LGBT youth, Obama's message is more broadly aimed all bullying, and the issue of being different and how that turns out to be your strength.