Your son needs to talk to you, or somebody close who has his BEST interests at heart because you have to know what has been going on.

Be under no illusion - the school staff and reps. will close ranks and deny everything, even maybe blaming your boy.

You may be able to talk to some of his school friends (associates) as they will sometimes tell you. Maybe even some parents will know more than you.

Until this is resolved you have to keep him home and take care of him to prevent any further damage. tell him NOWthat you are not going to put him in a situation where he will be hurt or harmed - and this may calm him down by taking the pressure off. You may have to homeschool in the long term. The bottom line is his psychological health is of utmost importance.

(My son was bullied see earlier posts - and when it all came to a head and it was a sorry tale it was amazing how many other parents knew and we didn't. One had even complained to his teacher about bullying we knew nothing about)

Last edited by Raddy; 10/29/10 03:23 AM.