Originally Posted by blob
This school has a highly respected gifted program for grade 4-6; he will assign his Head of Department to provide a curriculum for DS7 upon his return.
Here's the question - where does the gifted program draw their population? Is it the top 10%, 5%, 3%, 2%, .05%? A program can be highly respected and rightly so, and still be totally a bad fit for your kid.
I wish I had experience with the social question. But I can give advice anyway, for all that it's worth.
1) Dramatic is standard equipment for many gifted kids. Exaggerating isn't a high crime. Taking responsibility is the goal, but at age 7 I wouldn't expect mature behavior at every moment.
2) Some gifted kids do get 'addicted to energy' and are willing to accept negative energy instead of being ignored. See 'transforming the difficult child' for more on that topic. Is what the teacher is seeing your son being an 'energy addict' around his schoolmates? Sometimes I wonder if there was true friendship to be had from schoolmates then your son wouldn't have to go to such extreams to get a 'charge' out of interacting with them. But friendship is a developmental thing, and it takes years of growing to get to the next stage.
3) Kids need lots and lots of practice with social interactions. This doesn't mean you shouldn't homeschool. It means that getting him around 'true peers' who aren't as easily beguiled might be a good idea. Easier said than done, but if you have a goal, you can try to move towards it.

Do any of these ideas sound helpful?
Best Wishes,

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