Originally Posted by kcab
Originally Posted by CFK
My kids' school goes from 8:30 to 5:00. I agree it is a long day. But....they have an hour of PE every day. They have one hour and fifteen minutes for lunch every day, plus two other breaks throughout the day. They have art, music/music theory and foreign language every day. The long day does allow a lot more time for things other than just the regular core classes. And the working parents like it.
Meanwhile, DS's school runs 7 hours and all grades except K get a whopping 20 minute recess + 20 minute lunch, unless those are both 15 minutes now. Extras (PE, art, music) on a weekly basis only. I hear it's even worse in some city schools, with recess eliminated entirely. I do think more running around time is needed, and less sitting indoors. I don't think one should have to go to a private school for the exercise!

And yet all you hear about these days is how they need to spend more and more time at their desks. IMO it's the time in between spurts of study that let the concepts sink in. Not to mention how they can possibly handle these kids who have been sitting still and quiet for hours.