Originally Posted by JenSMP
I am hoping the Concerta/Straterra combination works. Although, it would be great if the Straterra alone did the job.

Hi Jen,

Concerta-Strattera seems like an odd combination to me, as they both would address the attention component (via different mechanisms). (But I am not a doctor.) Dosages of these meds are an art, as well as a science, and should be determined only by a specialist prescriber who really understands your kid's issues. DS8 gets less than the smallest Celexa pill-- we split them.

Originally Posted by JenSMP
asking them to change how they do things with all of their students is another story. This just makes ds stick out even more. This is definitely where private schools fall short of meeting the needs of kids with special needs. Public school might be required to address his specific needs, but trust me, I have no doubt they'd fall short too.

Yep, they likely would. Although in a public school you'd have better recourse to pressure them to do the right thing; it took us time, and more effort than I care to recall, but we have things set up well at our public elementary right now.

Changing how they deal with all students would be more humane and possibly help your DS stick out less, if they were willing. Although a kid like yours (who is a lot like mine by everything you've written) sticks out no matter what. Good management by the teachers would help him be happier and learn and function better, AND have better relationhips with peers, but it doesn't ultimately fix the disability, just encourages better growth in all areas.

It sounds as though you have hit a limit on what they are willing to deal with and help with at this school, at least in this area. I love Montessori, but I do still have a suspicion that your DS is not going to get all the support he needs to succeed in that environment.

Originally Posted by JenSMP
Today he had a meltdown at my parents' house, and he said, "I am the biggest loser ever. No wonder I don't have any friends." He also made the comment, "Why is everyone always trying to change me?!" I feel so bad for him and so guilty that I'm not helping him adequately.

Our son at this age started to really notice his differences. We found it useful to talk openly about the fact that some things that are easy for other kids are hard for him (and vice versa, given his gifts), and to name those things explicitly. He needs to know explicitly what are his challenges to face and overcome. Everyone has challenges, these are his. It's not always fair, but it's how it is.

At the same time, he's not excused from working on these challenges: every person has to learn to manage their behavior and be socially acceptable no matter how hard it is for them. To "why do they all want to change me" we would say, for example, "you need to learn to manage your reactions in sports because when you yell and scream it is unpleasant for other people and they don't want to play any more. We are going to help you learn to keep calm so you can participate and have fun." That is, we aren't going to change "who you are as a person," we think you're adorable and all that, but we are working on teaching you skills that will make your life better.

Then we make darn sure we are really teaching the skills, so he can see his progress, and we comment on his progress so he can feel good about what he's achieving. Our DS really buys into his behavior goals, he is the proudest one when he has a good behavior day, and that's huge.

Originally Posted by JenSMP
I am so tempted to yank him and homeschool him, but I'm trying not to be impulsive. Not to mention, we'd be out thousands of dollars.

Yeah. And I'd be careful to know his thinking about this issue before making any sudden moves. Yanking him may be a relief to all concerned, or it may be perceived by him as "his mom didn't think he could really manage school"-- a vote of no confidence. You really don't want him thinking that.

I know it's a wait to January-- hang in there. Maybe in the meantime you can research what plan B would look like if you find the current school unworkable?
