I would like to respond, but it's late and my brain is fried from a l-o-n-g day of homeschooling.
We're doing fine. I don't even know what week we are in right now (7...9...23?). We've finally hit our groove and are moving along nicely. I am thankful each day for the opportunity to educate my child at home. It is usually exhausting, but so much fun! I love the little surprises (most of them, that is), like discovering his amazing insight into poetry. He's six, but he can read a complex poem and 'get it' when I'm still sitting there scratching my head. He can understand poetry even better than literature which I find rather surprising. That discovery has been the biggest surprise for us this year, thus far.
That's all I have time for, but I do very much appreciate hearing from you at-home educators!