Hi all pink,
Sorry I can't help with the twins tested gifted yet - my identical DDs are just coming up to two but given their brother has tested HG+ and they're hitting all his milestones it seems increasingly likely so I'm reading your posts with interest.

It's frustrating how little there is about gifted twins - studies are mostly about the correlation of scores rather than what might be the unique challenges of parenting gifted twins. And any general literature on twins tends to focus more on the possible learning delays that twins may face.

On the issue of separation at school the following link may assist http://www.twinsandmultiples.org/school/sy2.cfm

I also noticed from your testing thread that there are still some doubts if they're fraternal or identical even though they're very different and that(perhaps)you're worried things are pointing more to idents. Appologies if I'm reading too much into what you've said. I was sure my girls were fraternal when I was pregnant, everything pointed that way, including separate placentas. I was so pleased they wouldn't be identical. When they were born we had no trouble telling them apart though they looked similar - definitely fraternal we decided. We ended up having genetic testing because of a medical issue (and we were curious) and were shocked when it came back as identical. They have such different personalities - one introvert, one extrovert, one hard worker, one seemingly a coaster. I think finding out they were identical, after I knew they were very different made it much easier for me to accept. Though maybe I'll change my mind again if they get to school and people start treating them as a single unit!