My son is only six years old.Punishments and bribary once worked,but not any more.His interest are reading ,math,iceskating likes to collect things.He had prefectionism issues since the age of two.I didnt think there were books on perfectionism for childern so young. Besides i thought he would grow out of it.He attends arabic weekend school with a class of childern between the ages of 6-8.He loves it.
He has never been tested. infact I really dont know if he is gifted.The school does not want to test him and giving me alot of BS.They think I should spank him instead.They think that by sending him home numerous of times,he may learn a lesson.
At the begining of this year he would pick and choose what to participate in.Now its all day refusal in every subject at school.He is completly withdrawn at school.However in arabic school and at home he is motivated and doing wonderfull.Yes I am having alot of emtional processing with him, and the whole entire school.
I understand that he may not be gifted. infact I hope this is something he'll grow out of and hopefully soon.This is too much drama for me to handle.But his behavior in class is not getting better. Now if this child is bored in class and would have to repeat the year again, things are going to get really...bad!!!!!!!!!
The reason that I joined this forum is because I think that it is possible that he is, and maybe by communicating with other parent I could have a better idea of why he behaves this way in school.Ok I understand that he is bored, he knows all the anwers.Why not get it over with and do it?
Personality:cleaver, private,quiet, fearless of people or punishments,hides emotions very well,wants to be in controll of unwanting surroundings or interest.needs to be spoken to with respect,brief to the point,determined, perfectionist,shy in a sense which may sometimes be seen as rude.sweet ,jokefull, very......... honest,happy.Test people to see what he can get away with,does not like distractions,thrives on complaments.uhhhhhhhI think thats all? confused