Thank you to everyone for your replies! Our dilemma is needing to test right away if pursuing a grade skip but wanting to wait until this summer when she is 6 for a more appropriate test.

Adding to the confusion is a factor I left out of my first post. She has a sister in 1st grade so if we skip her they will be in the same grade and, more than likely the same class.

So, we either test and advocate for skips for both of them or we do another year in their current situation and hope for the best with in class differentiation.

Her older sis tested 5 pts lower on each sub test of the CogAt (145, 135, and 145). She was recently tested as 6th grade reading and 3rd grade math.

As far as a skip goes, I am not terribly worried about the math, or any other academic area. My dd's both pick up concepts very easily with little repetition. I think they would test higher in math if we did more at home. We read each night at bed time but we don't do bed time math problems smile.

I worry most about their ages - they are already almost a year younger than many classmates and a skip would widen that to two. I don't see either of them as particularly mature and ready to "hold their own" with an older crowd.

We have a lot to consider. Thank you for the perspectives and advice you have given me so far.
