My DS7 has had the lip bitting/rash thing before. Winter and dry air add to that problem, I had even mentioned it to my D once upon a time and he told me it's common and not to worry. Just put lip balm on when you think of it. My son also has some "quirks". His working memory is realative weak to his "gifted" traits and so he does some things in order to "cope". When you ask him any question he ALWAYS repeats the question out loud. I never realized it until we had him assessed and the Dr. pointed it out. SHe said it's great that he's creating those ways of coping without even realizing it. He is also very fidgity and wiggly when he has to concentrate on something. The teacher has given him a wiggle cushion to sit on and a stress ball to squeeze so that he can release some of that energy in a non-disruptive way. I don't worry about these things too much, my husband is very similar and was probably the same as a child. Now as an adult he HAS to walk around when he is on the phone, and he was a chronic nail biter until he got braces last year. I'm hoping that habit is beat whe the braces come off! LOL.