Can you say more about the connection for you between clutter and parenting? I'd love to hear it.
Maybe it is a combination of routine and clutter for me. It's so easy to get out of routine for us, and I was REALLY out of routine. Getting up, getting dressed and all that really set the tone for the day. My children need a fair bit of structure, and organised activities. I was starting to get quite slack with that.
In addition, between the layout of my house and two home educated very young children, it can get very messy very quickly. Trying to cut down on the clutter really helps that. I find that there is a strong inverse correlation between the clutter and the amount of tolerance I have!
And yes, there are few things more frustraiting than trying to do an activity and not being able to find something, while the whole time my children are destroying something/ whining they are bored/
fighting... you get the picture.
Having said that, decluttering is the hardest thing for me. I really struggle with that. I struggle to get started, I struggle to get rid of much. And when I do, DH wants to rescue it half the time.

I suppose there is probably some reason for it, but I'm not sure what it is.