The idea is to practice the spelling in a multi-sensory manner: Touch (fine and gross motor), auditory and visual. Basically, you are creating mental pathways that create better storage and retrieval routes in the brain.

With this in mind, think of all the senses and be sure to use them all when practicing, Here are some that work for my son:

1. Gross Motor: With arm fully extended, "Air Write" the words saying the letters aloud. *similar to writing big on the white board"
2. Fine motor: use shaving cream on a cookie sheet and write the letters in the foam (similar to sand)
4. Auditory: Say the letters out loud - add rhythm, clapping (motor)
5. Visual: Look at the word and picture it in your mind. For example "Because" Cover it. Ask - what is the last letter? What comes after the c and so on.
6. Tapping: Tap finger to thumb or finger to forearm while saying the letters aloud. exempt: "and" say a and tap pointer to thumb, say n tap tall man to thumb say d tap ring man to thumb.

Like anything - small doses many times rather than one big memory session works best.