We've been writing REALLY BIG on the whiteboard, something about engaging the whole arm and shoulder. I have him say the word, then write it 5 times big while saying the letters. This week the ones he still had trouble with I had him form out of play-dough, though we would have used modeling clay if we had enough on hand. You can use a little shaving cream in a gallon Ziplock, chalk on the driveway, pipe cleaners, rice on a cookie sheet, anything that makes it a novel multisensory experience. When I test him he writes on notebook paper, I make him first say the word out loud, then he writes it (presumably while saying the letters in his head,) then I make him read what he wrote. It is very difficult for him to actually read what he just wrote and not just repeat the word.

Having used the excellent All About Spelling program while homeschooling last year I'm quite underwhelmed with the school's traditional memorization approach to spelling.

I like the sandpaper idea, thanks for that ABQMom. It's not as messy as some of the things I've come up with so I'll add it to our tool kit.

I'm also very curious what strategies others have been successful with.