I am like most people here. I have a 23 month-old who has been able to identify his capital letters and numbers 0-9 since before 12 months of age. I have had close friends look at me like I'm doing the child a disservice by providing his with the tools to teach himself things like this and it still makes me angry! All I did was buy the foam alphabet mat for him to play on to get him off the hardwood floor and I'm being looked at as some kind of overbearing, 'teacher' parent! So many of the toys and games that are available for kids under 18 months (and over that age, too, of course) have the numbers and letters there and if my son picks up on it immediately, how is that my 'fault'??
He is a little on the shy side and hates loud noises and crowds and that, together with the fact that he's a quick learner, makes it seem like I'm sheltering him so we can stay at home and I can teach him. It's crazy! It also frustrates me that that same friend can so happily tell me that her child can swim on her own, but if I mention that my son can spell his name, I'm looked at like I'm forcing him to learn it! Urghhh! Sorry for the venting, but that frustrates me to no end!
I can see why people think parents who have kids like this might think that we're forcing them to learn and I know how easy it can be to compare kids, but come on! I feel like my child has accomplished so much and there are so few people that I can share it with.