hmmmm, I don't hear too many moms bragging in that way, but I do chuckle a little bit when they puff up and tell me how little Jimmy can count to ten (at 3 or 4)or something like that. For me, the potential giftedness has more to do with the ease of learning those sort of things with little repetition and the sudden startling leaps they can make alongside great imagination and a sense of humor. Sometimes I will let certain things slip that my DD4 does, but it will be in the context of something and almost an accident rather than a moment to brag, but sometimes a mom just wants to brag because they are proud of their kid, and that's understandable and excusable unless they are trying to do it in a strange, competitive way. There seem to be areas of the country that are very competitive and preschools are very academic,etc. Where I live, things are fairly laid back and while moms seem to want to get their children in ballet, soccer, music lessons at three, there doesn't seem to be a strong focus on academics this young, but that may just be among my friends and at my DD's preschool.