I got a call yesterday morning from my son's special ed teacher saying she did some in-class testing to see what she should help him work on. He tested at or above grade level in all the areas where he needed remediation, and she said she was concerned about him remaining in the pull-out class because the rest of the kids were much lower functioning. She talked with my son's teacher, and wanted to know if I would agree to have my son stay in regular ed full time and have her as a consultant in the class or for impromptu pull-outs should he need help with a particular task.

I spoke with his teacher, and he is more than supportive of having my son do work on the computer when possible - including taking his spelling tests this way (although we did decide that we might want to disable spell check).

We aren't going to make any of the changes official - just a trial run so that we all know better what does and doesn't work when it comes time to address his IEP meeting next month.