Irisheyes, I have my own 2e autism DS7 and losing has always been a big deal. We recently finished up a 9 month long social skills group class that dealt with that (among other things), and he is MUCH better at it. Practicing losing over and over again in small activities is the best "treatment" for helping prevent major meltdowns in a soccer game. Sometimes I can hear him on the verge of getting upset about losing, and I can say, "What would you say if you lost?" and it helps him focus and hold it together. There is not an easy cure for it, just lots and lots of consistency and practice. Nan

Adding this: the kind of upset that an aspie can show is so different from other kids tantrums. My son will scream so loud that your ears ring for minutes, he will knock stuff off the table (or while at a soccer game throw the plastic cups all over or tip over the water), be verbally abusive and scream, "I hate soccer, why did you make me play this stupid game," and NOT STOP this after the normal tantrum time of about 20 seconds. And it is completely over the top for not kicking the ball at the right time or losing the game. It is extremely embarrassing to have your child look like a completely spoiled rotten kid in a situation like that...but in order to work through it and have him lose a game with dignity, you have to keep pushing through these episodes. Nan

Last edited by NanRos; 08/18/10 04:46 PM. Reason: added content