I said I'm not much use here even though my guy's just entering the pre-school years. �I just gave him stuff with small pieces. �The perfection game is definitely a chocking hazard. �But he was an only child (until next month). �
I was suggesting building the cuisineaire rods (sp?) and base ten blocks out of the trio. �A toddler could not use Trio because their hands are not strong enough because it is a pre-schoolers toy. �I just thought the square trio cubes were bigger than the base ten pieces. �And it's cheap, like $5/box.
If you want something larger.. I've given it more thought, could you use those pop-together toddler beads to make your rods and golden beads?
You know when I looked into Montessori and wished the classes were cheaper and closer I decided to try to make my own golden beads. �I decided instead of using little glass beads and earring wires I'd use pony beads and leather so my son could help me string the beads. �Now I'm stuck with a bucket of ten-count bead strings because I never found a way to make flat 100 squares out of them. �When I bought it I had in mind that I could use embroidery floss and weave together the the 10 strands �to build 100 sheets. �Didn't work to my liking. �They were too wavy. �Tried hot glue, it wasn't sturdy. �Hope this next kid is a daughter so I have a use for a ton of plastic beads.