DS (now 12) started Suzuki violin at 5 years. It was our decision because we wanted him to work hard at somethng that did not come naturally. DH and I both agreed that this is what we were going to do and we were going to stick with it, a commitment that was tested time after time as we fought over practices almost daily for years. It was huge commitment, as Ania says, but I also believe that it is one of the best decisions we could have made, given our circumstance.

DS has learned what it means to really struggle with something, stick with it, and get better. He knows what it's like to not be better than other kids and he has made major mistakes in public and learned to get through it. He has learned persaverence, but is not a perfectionist. He plays well now, and like Ania's kids, is now practicing independently. When given the option of stopping (which we did give him this year), he looked at us like we were crazy. He has also taken up competitive fiddling and plays cello on the school orchestra.