My DD3 goes to her Montessori 9-3:30 5 days a week, then adds ballet on Tuesday, Gymnastics on Saturday and Dalcroze Music class on Sunday.

She seems to love it all and it seems to also provide her with the physical outlet her high energy needs. Although we want to send her to the special gifted school at Hunter, there is a public school connected with Julliard. It is the Special Music School. You have to audition and it is pretty much a strict music school, but they have the highest scores of any public school, included all the G&Ts. Since she has to get evaluated by the same people for admission as to get into this Dalcroze and they already thought she could start private instrument lessons, this is an option.

What is the experience of adding instrument lessons early and helping with the need for challenge? Or other extracurricular?
