Well, when I mentioned it, she said she couldn't tell if she had it or not. Which probably isn't a sign that it's affecting school too much... The only place it would be affecting school would be in reading I think, because she gets very frustrated that she doesn't seem to have as high of scores on tests about the books (asking factual information) than classmates, even though she knows she's scored higher on reading level tests (when she is hyper-focused, the teacher told her she got the highest score in the school, so that means she *should* be a better reader than everyone, right?) than them. The reason could very well be that she just doesn't read as thoroughly as she needs to to start with, though. I think that she *did* have convergence insufficiencies that make it hard for her to read, especially at night (well, actually, she told me she did.), but some tips the eye doctor gave her helped her overcome it, except for at night, it kind of comes back sometimes. Usually she'll just close one eye, which is uncomfortable, but works.
Also, memory is a problem. She has great long term memory, for facts (incredible at trivia), phone numbers and library barcode numbers, etc, but she's not any good at the whole "see a sheet of paper for 5 minutes and remember everything" or "I'm going to tell you a sequence of numbers" pattern. She was once taking a test for a friend's science fair experiment to see how music effects memory. (She was placed in the music group) The friend told her that she had the worst score of the whole experiment. (now that was actually only of the 15 people in her Honors Science class who had taken it, but still...)
When my son got diagnosed, the "diagnosis" was really, really simple. "Do you feel like your mind is unable to get settled down?", A few other questions, and then "Ok, you have Classic ADHD, which medicine do you want?" And it was obvious he had it. He, at that time, could never stop talking, sought nonstop attention, and had severe anxiety.
I feel like for the inattentive part, it's not as cut and dry.
Grinity- Lol! I love the humming idea! If only it would work, DD would probably just get annoyed, thinking I was being childish with her or something...
Her time is about average, I'd say. Except she did tell me about an odd incident where she was reading for what felt like 20 minutes, but then looked up to find that only a minute had passed. (She tends to skip around a lot when she reads, but 14 pages in a minute is kind of a lot...). Right after that, 30 minutes went by with her thinking it was less. So sometimes she gets kind of mixed up with time, but not usually. I think everyone does that sometimes.

Last edited by Bassetlover; 08/05/10 08:23 AM.