Originally Posted by Grinity
Originally Posted by Bassetlover
The reason I don't know if she would be considered ADD is that she has some Anti-ADD seeming things about her. The main thing being that she *can* focus if she's interested in something.
I think that's the definition of ADD, actually. ADD is thought to be a weakenss in doing the reward center of the brain the makes us happy for a boring job well done.
I have a good friend with severe ADD, and I think of it as her being "stimulus driven." Her attention gets grabbed away from the current task by anything and everything that happens by. But by the same token, a really absorbing task can keep her focused, even when her brain ought to be telling her that it's time to get ready to go. It's as if she's at the mercy of whatever is in front of her.

Originally Posted by Grinity
Does your daughter have any sense of time? I am always 'in the present' with no innate feeling of time passing, especially if I'm in the zone

Wow, this really describes my friend! She will look at the clock and see that it's 10:15, and she'll spend the next 45 minutes thinking that it's still 10:15.

Recently (less than a year ago, and this is a woman in her 40's) she told me excitedly that she had figured out how to get somewhere on time. You figure out how long it takes to get there, and then you count backwards from the time you need to be there. I thought she was being funny and ironic at her own expense, but it turned out she was being quite sincere, this was a new and effortful insight for her.

Let me emphasize that this is not a stupid person. She is articulate and insightful and not particularly bad at math. But when it comes to time (and spatial relations too, I think) her brain is just wired differently.